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She Was Ready (00:22)
If you follow me on social media, you probably know that our third Golden Girl, Luca, crossed the Rainbow Bridge on Monday. We talked about how going through this with Luca helped me confront my avoidant nature and fear of anticipatory grief.
Are More Men Going To Therapy? (12:21)
Emily McCombs, a former xoJane columnist, recently shared her thoughts on the resurgence of dating apps. In her article, she side-eyes the increasing number of men embracing therapy, a trend that I find both fascinating and encouraging.
Would You Date Someone That Worked In A Pizza Parlor? (28:16)
Influencer Hope xxx was roasted this week for remarks about not wanting to date someone who worked in a pizza parlor. We talk about whether or not this preference is classist and how men are never raked over the coals for their superficial preferences.